Our Services are as unique as you are

Our services

Halo Therapy - Salt Rooms

Halotherapy is where salt is ground into microparticles and disbursed into the air which is inhaled into the respiratory system. The dry salt naturally starts absorbing allergens, toxins, and foreign substances from your lungs and throughout your respiratory track. Dry salt can also reduce inflammation in the air passageways.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna’s contribute to your overall health and well-being by helping you relax, loosening up stiff muscles, reducing joint pain, and giving you some much needed time to yourself.

Group Salt Room

Our large salt room is perfect for your next Couples Date Night, Mother/Daughter gathering or Girl’s Night Out. The room can accommodate up to ten people. We would love to help you make your next group event meaningful and healthy!

Vibroacoustic Therapy

From Wikipedia:

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a type of sound therapy that involves passing pure low frequency sine wave vibrations into the body via a device with embedded speakers. This therapy was developed in Norway by Olav Skille in the 1980s.The Food and Drug Administration has approved vibroacoustic therapy for increasing circulation, pain relief, and increasing mobility.  

LED Therapy

Celluma Light Therapy has been shown to effectively treat a wide variety of skin and musculoskeletal conditions. Celluma is FDA-cleared for wrinkles and acne as well as arthritic pain, muscle and joint pain, and muscle and joint stiffness. In addition, Celluma has clearances for muscle tissue tension and spasm, and is proven to decrease inflammation and increase micro-circulation.

Children’s Room

Salt therapy is also a non-invasive, drug-free and natural therapy that is safe for children of all ages. It is gentle on even the smallest premature lungs to help clear congestion and promote a good night's sleep.

“I underestimated how valuable sleep was to my health. The salt therapy sessions clear my lungs and I always have a great night of rest after a treatment.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.